Your Voice Can Carve Mountains!

Shawna Mills and Boom Tag X
We know we’re off season but we are coming at you with an episode featuring Shawna Mills!!
Check out the Boom Tag X kickstarter which ends 7/13/19!
Website: boomtagx.com
Kickstarter: kck.st/2JI0ER5
Shawna Mills is an animator whose work has appeared on nearly every network you can think of that produces cartoons. She’s done work for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Marvel Entertainment, and Lucas Films. Now she’s out to make her own animated series that infuses anime influences and urban environments into an action packed world where sound is the master.
Boom Tag X follows Boom, in a world where voices can carve mountains and split seas, as he embarks to win the most epic game of TAG ever played!
The story of Shawna and the world of Boom Tag X are inseparable and this episode we take you inside the world of Boom Tag X and tell the story of the woman who created it.
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